To elevate user experience, MyITS provides three unique trading modes, empowering users to customize their strategies for more flexible and efficient trade management.
The "Autopilot" mode takes the guesswork out of currency selection by automatically picking high-potential cryptocurrencies for seamless automated trading. This innovative feature helps users maximize profit opportunities with minimal effort.
Step 01
Log in to the MyITS homepage.
Navigate to the "Robots" section.
Choose the exchange where your API is connected.
Step 02
Confirm that your initial capital and wallet limits are set. This ensures the robot uses only the allocated funds, not the entire exchange balance.
Go to "Set Trading Preference" to customize your trading settings.
Choose your preferred mode: Autopilot, Autopilot with Compound, or Manual.
Three Trading Preference Settings
MyITS allows users to customize their trading approach with three flexible options:
Automated trades are based on the most profitable portfolio, offering a hands-free trading experience.
Autopilot with Compound
Automated trading with the added benefit of compounding profits for long-term growth.
Full control over your trades, where you personally manage each trading decision.
Step 03
Click "Complete" to complete setup.
Once Autopilot settings are completed
The screen will display distinct icons for each trading mode: the lightning icon represents Autopilot, while the light bulb icon represents Manual.
Important Notes:
Once your trading preferences are activated, they cannot be changed. Please contact customer service for assistance if needed.
Active trading robots will continue running until you manually close them. After closing, the remaining balance will automatically be allocated to the trading fund.
Upon activating automated trading, the system will allocate the available balance as the automatic trading fund.